Art of the Aloha Shirt: Keoni of Hawaii at Tacoma Art Museum

Art of the Aloha Shirt: Keoni of Hawaii, 1938–1951 July 1 – September 11, 2022 A traveling exhibition from Exhibits USA. 

 Explore the history, artistry, and production of Hawaii’s enduring fashion statement, the Aloha shirt. This exhibition of 60 objects, including original textile artwork, production sketches and swatches, advertisements, and vintage shirts, tells the story of an early innovator, John “Keoni” Meigs, in an industry that has left an indelible mark on fashion in the United States and the world. Although many claim authorship, the exact origin of the Aloha Shirt remains uncertain. 

The patterns of Polynesian tapa cloth, the colorful and bold floral designs of Tahitian pareau, and the sheer Japanese fabric used for making kimonos are often cited as some of the early stylistic influences of the shirt. Sometime in the late 1920s to the early 1930s, when Hawaii’s economy began to shift from an agricultural to a service-oriented economy and tourists started flying to Hawaii in ever-increasing numbers, the emphasis of the island clothing industry shifted from the production of work clothes to sports and casualwear. 

Combining the young islander’s love for colorful clothing with the tourist’s desire to bring home keepsakes of their holidays on the islands, the Aloha Shirt enjoyed massive popularity, particularly after the conclusion of World War II. In the history of the Aloha Shirt, there has been no more innovative merchandiser nor better self-promoter than “Keoni of Hawaii.” John “Keoni” Meigs (“Keoni” is Hawaiian for John) was a self-taught painter whose talent became known to the early shirt manufacturers in Honolulu. In 1938, he created his first designs, concentrating on Polynesian tapa patterns inspired by the originals he had studied at the local Bishop Museum. 

 One of the most innovative Island fabric artists, Keoni is credited with creating as many as three hundred Aloha shirt designs. In Meigs’ words, “In a sense, Aloha shirts put Hawaii on the map. The first thing people did when they arrived was make a beeline for a department store to buy one. A lot of kooky things were designed, but I always tried to be a purist when it came to using motifs from Hawaiian sources.” Art of the Aloha Shirt is curated by Dale Hope, who was born and grew up in Hawaii and is a second generation veteran of the garment industry. Hope authored the definitive book on the subject, The Aloha Shirt: Spirit of the Islands, in 2000. Much of the work draws from the collection of Dan Eskenazi, which offers viewers the opportunity to see Aloha shirts from a designer’s perspective, as well as excellent vintage examples of the finished product. 

 The Aloha shirt, a brightly colored and boldly patterned shirt, has its origins in Polynesia, where it is known by different names and has variations in different cultures. The shirt is an example of cultural diffusion, where design ideas from different places are integrated to create a unique product. The initial result of this cultural integration was a luxury item that was mostly worn by mainland Americans looking for an escape in Hawai'i in the decades following World War I. Westerners and veterans in Hawai'i became enamored with the vibrant colors and prints of the Aloha shirt, which was then popularized outside of Hawai'i by celebrities such as U.S. Olympic swimmer and surfer Duke Kahanamoku, Elvis Presley, Bing Crosby, and wealthy vacationers. The Aloha shirt is an example of how different cultures can come together to create something new and unique. It showcases the amalgamation of design ideas from various places, with each group having their own take on the same basic shape of the shirt and varying prints. The cultural diffusion of the Aloha shirt reflects the diversity and richness of Polynesian cultures and how they have influenced and been influenced by other cultures.

Here's a great article in the Seattle Times about the Aloha shirt being reclaimed by Polynesian designers.

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