Tiki Tacoma and Hula-Billy Weekender 5/26-28, 2023

Hula-Billy Weekend in Tacoma

Planning on spending some time in Tacoma?  

You'll need a room!

We have two hotels we recommend for the weekend, on both sides of the affordability scale:

Fancy and expensive:  McMenamins Elks Temple, Seven floors of fun, art, history and delicious food & drink (plus a built-in Tiki Bar) in the heart of Tacoma (about $300 a night for a lovely room.)

Basic, clean and cheap:  Holiday Inn Express in Downtown Tacoma with free breakfast and a swimming pool (about $165 a night for a nice room.)

Sightseeing and Activities

We gotta eat, right?  How about brunch on Saturday, May 27th at the Seinfeld Restaurant:  Little Jerry's!  

Meet up at Noon, 5/27.  Must RSVP to be seated together, NWTikiUnderground@gmail.com.

Seinfeld had a huge following in the 90s, and its most loyal fans miss it to this day. Sadly the days of new episodes are long gone, but if you’re in Tacoma, you can relive some of the memories at Little Jerry’s Restaurant.

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